Secure Package Delivery Porch Box

BenchSentry Connect Smart Package Delivery Lock Box
Never worry about porch package theft again! Protect all of your deliveries from porch pirates with BenchSentry Connect, a smart package delivery lock box that hides packages from view in an attractive bench that automatically locks to keep your packages secure. This weather-resistant bench can be anchored for additional security and includes a package protection guarantee. The bench works with all deliveries and even allows you to designate larger packages get delivered in your garage. BenchSentry is easy to use; it notifies you when a delivery is complete and lets you go about your day without worrying about deliveries.
Package tracking codes from your mobile app or desktop are downloaded to your bench. If the bench is locked when a driver arrives, the driver is prompted by a message on the screen and an audio clip, indicating they should enter the last 4 digits of their tracking code. For speedy drop-offs, you can set the BenchSentry to be unlocked for the first delivery of the day.
Product dimensions. 23"D x 25"W x 35"H.
Available in slate and tan.

Fits large boxes, multiple packages, or a week’s worth of groceries easily within an extra-large bench with over 50 gallons of capacity
Works for all package, grocery, or meal deliveries including items from family or friends
Designed with delivery drivers in mind with signs, instructions, and audio prompts
Tracks package deliveries and provides notifications using a free app with no monthly fees
Works with Aladdin Connect, allowing large, bulky items to delivered to the garage.
Keeps packages safe by hiding them from view of porch pirates
Protects packages from the elements with a weather-resistant construction
Made with UV resistant resin to prevent color from fading in sunlight
Gives you the freedom to go about your day without having to be home for deliveries and letting everyone know you’re not home with package pileups
Works great for home businesses that routinely schedule pickups from their home
Manage deliveries remotely with the option to sync tracking codes and get notifications. The last digits of the tracking number can be used once to access and then disabled when the BenchSentry is locked. You can also create custom codes.
Plugs in to a standard outlet. POWER IS REQUIRED. AC Adapter (Included), Standard U.S. Cable (NEMA 5-15P).

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